I had always heard that life goes by faster as you get older. This must be true. I just can't believe how fast the past year has flown by! It has been a year of adjustments. Both of my children have now grown and moved to their own apartments in other towns. It is different having more free time than I am used to, but I am still very busy with teaching, singing and of course, my horses.

This year is the year I want to try to do a better job of staying in touch with people I care about. This includes my family (especially my husband) and friends, and my animals, too, but also my relationship with Christ. I feel sometimes that Jesus gets ignored as I rush from one activity to the next. I know in my heart that He always needs to have first place in my life, and wants to talk to me through His Word and His Church. So it is my prayer that I will have open ears to listen to Everyone and let them know they are loved and appreciated. Here's hoping that your new year includes lots of intimate times with God, family and friends.

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    I will update this page with thoughts and devotions.  If you appreciate these devotions, you will enjoy the book!


    March 2013
    April 2012

